@article{oai:kgwu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000347, author = {高山, 啓子 and Takayama, Keiko}, issue = {2}, journal = {川村学園女子大学研究紀要, The journal of Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this paper is to show the ethnomethodological approach to medical field, particulary doctor-patient relationship. Some studies of medical sociology have suggested that doctor-patient relationship is assymetry. Medical ethnomethodology explicates how this assymetry between doctor and patient is organized and achieved by participants' interaction in medical consultation. First, I overview historical development of medical ethnomethodology. Second, I examine how asymmetry of doctor-patient relationship is treated by Talcott Parsons who first theorized this problem. Finally, I show that Christian Heath's studies of doctor-patient interaction demonstrate the asymmetry of doctor-patient relationship., The purpose of this paper is to show the ethnomethodological approach to medical field, particulary doctor-patient relationship. Some studies of medical sociology have suggested that doctor-patient relationship is assymetry. Medical ethnomethodology explicates how this assymetry between doctor and patient is organized and achieved by participants' interaction in medical consultation. First, I overview historical development of medical ethnomethodology. Second, I examine how asymmetry of doctor-patient relationship is treated by Talcott Parsons who first theorized this problem. Finally, I show that Christian Heath's studies of doctor-patient interaction demonstrate the asymmetry of doctor-patient relationship.}, pages = {53--66}, title = {医療相互行為へのエスノメソドロジー的アプローチ : 医師-患者関係の非対称性をめぐって}, volume = {13}, year = {2002}, yomi = {タカヤマ, ケイコ} }