@article{oai:kgwu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000438, author = {福屋, 武人 and 鵜沼, 秀行 and Fukuya, Taketo and Unuma, Hideyuki}, issue = {1}, journal = {川村学園女子大学研究紀要, The journal of Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University}, month = {}, note = {One purpose of this study is to make clear the sexual interest and behaviour of the aged -over 60-, and the comparison among Asian and European countries is another. We conducted surveys in Republic of Korea, Republic of China and Germany using a questionnaire and got 103 (Korea), 106 (China) and 25 (Germany) answers, which were analyzed as follows : (1) Sexual behaviour was maintained in the aged, especially in male, which was found among Asian countries and Germany. (2) Attitude and interests for sexual problem seemed to depend upon cultural background., One purpose of this study is to make clear the sexual interest and behaviour of the aged -over 60-, and the comparison among Asian and European countries is another. We conducted surveys in Republic of Korea, Republic of China and Germany using a questionnaire and got 103 (Korea), 106 (China) and 25 (Germany) answers, which were analyzed as follows : (1) Sexual behaviour was maintained in the aged, especially in male, which was found among Asian countries and Germany. (2) Attitude and interests for sexual problem seemed to depend upon cultural background.}, pages = {109--119}, title = {老年期の性意識・性行動に関する調査研究 : 韓国・台湾における調査およびドイツ・日本を含めた総括}, volume = {7}, year = {1996}, yomi = {フクヤ, タケト and ウヌマ, ヒデユキ} }